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Watrous Heights Neighborhood Association

Our WHNA By-Laws state "The purpose of this association is to promote the social welfare of the Watrous Heights Neighborhood Association area by bringing about civic betterment and social improvements for the common good and general welfare of the Community."


Much of what we do is accomplished through the information we provide on this website, the relevant emails we provide to specific neighbors, the knowledgeable featured guest speakers that we bring in to provide our WHNA neighbors timely information, and the information our WHNA neighbors provide to us regarding where we can be the most help.


We currently have four support people from different departments of the City that provide the latest relevant information to our neighbors, answer their questions and help us to reach the best solutions. If you participate in our meetings, you will get to know these people. You will learn they are key to what we are able to accomplish.

Des Moines Police Neighborhood Based Service Delivery


The NBSD Officer working with Watrous Heights Neighborhood Association is:


Officer Alberto Marquez  #5227

     Work Hours: Mon thru Fri 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.




    Office Phone:                      (515) 237-1464

     Mobile Phone                     (515) 971-2539


NBSD Supervisor: 

Sgt. Garcia                    NBSD Office (515) 283-4988                                                



City of Des Moines Neighborhood Inspection Division


The Inspectors working with Watrous Heights Neighborhood Association are:


     Eric Barker


                                                          Office (515) 283-4980


     Chad Sutherland


                                                          Office (515) 283-4181




City of Des Moines Park and Recreation Supervisor and Environmental Educator


The Park and Rec Guy working with Watrous Heights Neighborhood Association is:


Joel M. Van Roekel

                                                          Office (515) 248-6369

                                                           Cell    (515) 681-2027





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